This event would not be successful without sponsors like you! Because of your support, Beads of Courage is helping courageous children in Saskatchewan share their stories of strength and courage. Your donations have enabled Beads of Courage to facilitate and provide Beads of Courage Programming in Hospitals and Outpatient Departments across the province!
Jim Pattison Children's Hospital
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Paediatric Intensive Care Unit
Acute Care Paediatrics
Paediatric Cardiology
Paediatric Outpatient Department
Saskatoon Cancer Centre
Regina General Hospital
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Acute Care Paediatrics
Allan Blair Cancer Centre
If you or your company is interested in sponsoring this event of enCOURAGEment, please send us an email by clicking the button below. Our team will contact you promptly with a package to outline our sponsorship options.
Gifts in Kind
For our 2023 Run we are looking for the following donations to make the run successful:
Mobile Bathrooms
Snacks and water for post-race
Banner Printing
Power Washing post-race
Day of event volunteers
Thank you to all of our generous in-kind donors over the years:
Kota Graphics, JonesE, Brainsport, Uno Printing, Little John Rentals, Steve Hiscock Photography
